Honor Guard
The Niagara Falls Air Force Base Honor Guard is a group of Air Force men and women who are highly motivated, maintain exceptionally high standards of appearance and conduct as well as show an aptitude for ceremonial duty. The primary purpose of the honor guard is to provide military funeral honors for fallen Airmen. In addition, the Honor Guard represents the USAF in ceremonies and official events in the Western New York area.
Requesting Military Honors
Military Funerals
Funeral Homes or Family members can request military honors. To make requests for military funeral honors, You will need to fill out the Military Funeral Honors request with the members DD Form 214, Discharge Paperwork.
McGuire AFB Honor Guard oversees all requests for the state of New York, and will task Niagara Falls Honor Guard for you. Their phone number is 609.562.6141 and their fax number is 609.562.6346.
If you prefer to contact Niagara Falls Honor Guard directly, call 716.236.3182.
Please call the Honor Guard Staff to confirm receipt of form.
Eligibility for military funeral honors can be found in AFI 34-501, Chapter 7
Colors Guard Request
The Niagara Falls Honor Guard provides colors for events throughout most of Western New York. To make requests for color guard support, complete this form and e-mail it to 914arw.honorguard@us.af.mil
E-Mail Instructions: (1) Open this form and fill in all blocks as appropriate. (2) Save the form as you would any other document and create a unique name (i.e. Warner Retirement Ceremony, 914th Airlift Squadron Change of Command, Buffalo Bills Football Game, etc.). (3) Attach the new document to an e-mail message to 914arw.honorguard@us.af.mil . (4) Use the subject line “Request for Honor Guard Support” to flag your message.
You will receive an e-mail response or phone call once your request has been opened. Requesters are advised to ensure accurate and detailed information on this form is easy to understand, as our support for your event will be based on this information disclosed herein. For events outside of Niagara Air Reserve Station, NY immediate area, detailed information and accurate address AND cell phone information are critical along with an accurate description of the event location and desired ceremony. Thank you for your request and we look forward to supporting your organization.
Our decision to cancel support for events is based on manpower and workload. But in those rare circumstances where we simply cannot support your event, we will make every effort to give you as much advanced notice as possible.
Be Part of the Honor Guard
Contact Us
MSgt Ryan Snyder
email: 914arw.honorguard@us.af.mil
Fax #: McGuire AFB Honor Guard 609.562.6346